Cookie Swap: Cinnamon Balls
By Claudia on Nov 27, 2005 | In Kuchen & Kekse, Fool for photos, In English, Weihnachtsrezepte
Bitte hier für die deutsche Version des Rezept klicken!
To the joint SHF/IMBB event "Cookie swap" initiated by Alberto and Jennifer I contribute my favourite xmas-Cookie: Cinnamon Balls (german: Zimtkugeln). I've been baking them for about 15 years now. I found them in Germany's top women magazine "Brigitte". It must be appreciated by many people because two years ago the recipe appeared again in the same magazine as a favourite christmas treat.
The recipe:
========== REZKONV-Rezept - RezkonvSuite v0.98
Titel: Cinnamon Balls
Kategorien: Christmas, Hazelnuts
Menge: 3 Dozen
3 Eggwhite
250 grams Icing sugar
300 grams Hazelnuts; grounded
2 tbs Vanilla sugar
1 ts Cinnamon
40 Hazelnuts for decoration
================ QUELLE ==============
Erfasst 10.07.2005 von Claudia Schmidt
Whisk the egg whites in a bowl until very stiff. Beat in the sifted sugar and the vanilla sugar and beat again until the mixture becomes shiny. Reserve 5 TB of this mixture for decoration. Fold in the nuts und the cinnamon.
With tablespoonfuls of dough form little balls with the palm of your hand. Put the balls onto a cookie sheet. With a small spoon drop some of the icing on top of each ball and decorate it with a hazelnut.
Bake in the oven at 125 deg C for 25-30 minutes until only slightly browned. Cool on a wire rack.

Die sehen sehr lecker aus und lassen wieder gewisse Assoziationen aufkommen. ;-)

Ja, vor allem der "gierige" Blick des Weihnachtsmannes ;-)!

Gl?ckwunsch zu deinem ersten englischsprachigen Blog-Event, die Kekse sehen wirklich sexy aus ;)

ohmygoodness, the recipe's in english. i can't wait to try these. i love everything cinnamon. and you're right, if it's a repeat in the magazine they have to be winners.

Hazelnuts and cinnamon--what a unique combination!
And that Santa Claus is precious!

Oh my... so simple and lovely. Cute santa can't even resist them ahaha...

Wow - what a wonderful cookie. Thank for the recipe details.
We too like the royal aroma of Cinnamon and use it for almost all spicy Indian foods.
My Dhaba's rock cookies are yet to be used. Cant wait anymore my friend.

Must haves! These look soooo good! Very nice pictures too!

Welcome! The cookies look beautiful and deliciousl. I'm glad you decided to participate.

Hi Claudia--The cookies sound delicious and the pictures are PERFECT!
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