Arts & Gastronomy Meme
By Claudia on Dec 11, 2005 | In Fundstücke
Following Cocinalias invitation to create a little online food museum of favourite photos and pictures related to gastronomy I post a recent photo I shot. It reminded me of a novel by french writer Marguerite Duras, "Moderato Cantabile". In chapter eight there is a banquet where they dispatch salmon. This special scene could be interpreted as a symbol of decadence and morbidity. Looking at the poor salmon at a party last monday I almost felt sympathy for it...
For anyone who is interested in the novel (sorry, it's in french):
"Sur un plat d'argent ? l'achat duquel trois g?n?rations ont contribu?, le saumon arrive, glac? dans sa forme native. [...]
Le saumon passe de l'un ? l'autre suivant un rituel que rien ne trouble, sinon la peur cach?e de chacun que tant de perfection tout ? coup ne se brise ou n S'entache d'une trop ?vidente absurdit?. [...]
Lentement, la digestion commence de ce qui fut un saumon. Son osmose ? cette esp?ce qui le mangea fut rituellement parfaite. Rien n'en troubla la gravit?. L'autre attend, dans une chaleur humaine, sur son linceul d'oranges."
![mona mona](
What an interesting picture. I've read some Duras but not that one. Thanks for the excerpt-that is perfect!
![melissa_cookingdiva melissa_cookingdiva](
It's a great photo with a silent morbid message. That happens to be really tasty. It reminds me of almost every old French cookbook fish illustration. A classic.
![saomai saomai](
thanks so much for your participation in the onlinefoodmuseum. A great photo!.
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