Chocolate Chunkers - mehr Schoko geht nicht
By Claudia on Sep 16, 2008 | In To die for, Kuchen & Kekse, In English

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Ich habe schon viele Schoko-Kekse ausprobiert, aber Kekse bei denen im Vergleich zur Mehlmenge ein Mehrfaches an Schokolade steckt, habe ich noch nicht gebacken. Aber da ich diese Woche die große Ehre habe, "Gastgeberin" für das Back-Event "Tuesdays with Dorie" zu sein, ließ ich mich von Dorie Greenspans Rezept in "Baking From My Home To Yours" verführen.
Greenspan schrieb in der Einleitung zum Rezept, dass sie diese Kekse in ganz ähnlicher schon in zwei Lokalitäten gebacken hätte. Sie bezeichnete sie als "fabulous" und erklärte, dass sie "best seller" gewesen wären. Keine Frage, da konnte ich nicht wiederstehen.
Ich habe zwar nur das halbe Rezept zubereitet, dennoch wanderten mehr als zwei Tafeln Schokolade in das Rezept. Die Rafinesse besteht darin, dass der Keksteig nicht nur Kakaopulver, sondern auch geschmolzene Schokolade enthält. Für das richtige Kaugefühl sorgen Rosinen, Nüsse und Schokoladenstücke. Damit ist dieser Cookie in der Tat eine Mahlzeit (und nicht nur ein Frühstückchen ;-)).
Das Rezept sieht Pecannüsse oder Erdnüsse vor - beides hatte ich nicht im Haus, nicht einmal Walnüsse. Stattdessen habe ich Mandeln geröstet und grob gehackt. Das schmeckte ebenfalls lecker. Insgesamt waren die Cookies nicht zu süß und herrlich schokoladig - ohne die penetrante Note, die Kekse haben, wenn sie mit viel Kakao zubereitet werden.
Mehr Gebäck mit Schokolade:
Tiroler Schokoladenkuchen
Die für mich besten Chocolate Chip Cookies! (Erweiterbar bis zum Schokoladen-Exodus "Triple Choclate")
Marmorkuchen (ok, der ist nur mit Kakao)
Moelleux au chocolat (kleine Schokoladen-Küchlein mit flüßigem Schokokern)
Schokoladen-Cupcakes II
Hier das Rezept:
========== REZKONV-Rezept - RezkonvSuite v1.2
Titel: Chocolate Chunkers
Kategorien: Schokolade, Kekse
Menge: 24 Kekse
1/3 Tasse Flour
1/4 Tasse Unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 Teel. Salt
1/4 Teel. Baking powder
3 Essl. Unsalted butter - cut into pieces
180 Gramm Bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped (Claudia: 70% solids)
30 Gramm Milk chocolate (Claudia: normal milk chocolate)
2 groß. Eggs
2/3 Tasse Sugar
1 Teel. Vanilla extract
180 Gramm Semisweet chocolate, chopped ((Claudia: 70% solids)
180 Gramm White chocolate chopped
1 1/2 Coarsely chopped nuts ( I used pecans)
1 Tasse Dark or golden raisins
============================ QUELLE ============================
Dorie Greenspan, Baking From My Home To Yours
-- Erfasst *RK* 16.09.2008 von
Centre rack in the oven and preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or silicon mats. Sift together flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder. Melt butter with unsweetened and bittersweet chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water or use a microwave. Be careful with chocolate in the microwave as it may get too hot. The chocolate butter mixture should be smooth and shiny. Set on counter to cool.
Beat eggs and sugar on medium high speed until mixture is pale and foamy. Reduce speed, add vanilla. Then add melted chocolate-butte-rmix, mix only until incorporated. Add dry ingredients. Do not over mix. Dough will be thick and shiny.
Add semisweet and white chocolate chunks, nuts and raisins. Drop dough by tablespoons, leave an inch between dough. Bake for 12-15 mins. This is a soft and chewy cookie.
Claudia: It's not a problem to half the recipe. You can use chocolate chips but as Dorie suggest I think it's nicer to have chocolate chunks chopped by hand. You normally get a better quality with regular chocolate than with chocolate chips. Cookies will look more rustic as well if you use chocolate chopped by hand.
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Thank you so much for choosing these! They were marvelous. I took them to a picnic and had several people ask for the recipe, so I'll just send them to your blog!

Ha, ha, they would be perfect "fuel" for an expedition! They are so rich and delicious. THANKS for the great choice!
The Dogs Eat the Crumbs

Excellent choice. I have read over 80 blogs today and everyone LOVES these chunkers. I was very pleased with the way they turned out. Yours look so good. Thanks again for picking such a wonderful treat!

These could be expedition cookies...they certainly have the calories! Thank you for picking this one; I had been hoping it would come up soon.

Thank you for this recipe. I LOVED it--had to stop myself from eating them all.

These were a wonderful choice! Everyone I served them too really enjoyed them.

These were such a great pick.
Thanks so much. If you hadn't have picked them, I would have.

I loved these and will definitely make them again. Great choice!

Wirklich gute Wahl und mit gerösteten Pecannüssen auch klasse.

Die gefallen mir auch sehr gut!
Sind notiert für diese trüben Herbsttage, die wir zurzeit haben - so viel Schokolade macht bestimmt gute Laune! :-)

Thank you for choosing this recipe, Claudia! These cookies are wonderful! "Death by chocolate" -- what a way to go!

Vielen Dank das Du diese Cookies ausgewählt hast, sie waren einfach wunderbar!!! Ich werde diese Chocolate Chunkers auf jedem fall wieder backen!

Thanks for a wonderful pick, Claudia! These were delicious and great little sweet treat! Everyone enjoyed them.

A wonderful cookie! They were raving about them at work. Thank you for choosing them.

Wow, your cookies look delicious! Very dark and fudgy. Just one question: Do you think you could include the recipe in English with the post in English? Some people have been looking for it. Thanks so much! :)

Thank you Claudia for having us discover this amazing recipe, what a treat!
That's a great picture you took!
Great Job on those chunkers!

Your cookies look wonderful! Thanks for choosing them. I really enjoyed eating them! I think everyone agreed that they are delicious!

Mmmm, those look like pure chocolate heaven. Great pick!

Thanks for a great pick! We enjoyed these a lot at our house!

what a great pick--thanks! your cookies look delicious...almost like a brownie!

this were definitely chocolatey! thanks for picking this recipe

Das Rezept gibt es nicht auch zufällig auf deutsch, oder? Mein Englisch ist doch so schlecht :-/

Good work, keep us posting, you are very good writer.

Mmmmmmm, these look really really good. I would love to make these cookies, grab a glass of milk, and just get to dipping. :)
Although I will probably make my first attempt at these cookies without the nuts, since I am not a fan of nuts, whether they be almond nuts or pecan nuts.
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