Ricotta-Polenta-Kuchen - Polenta fluted tart
By Claudia on Apr 29, 2008 | In Kuchen & Kekse, In English | 6 feedbacks »

This week's recipe for "Tuesdays with Dorie" is Dorie's fluted polenta and ricotta cake - chosen by Caitlin of The Engineer Baker. I was quite glad with this recipe because I had quite a lot polenta left, enough honey and even ricotta was waiting for a special purpose.
I substituted the figs with dried soft apricots and only added 2 ts sugar instead of 3/4 cup - some bakers mentioned that the cake would be too sweet. The result was a nice moist golden cake with strong taste of honey. I was glad I only took a small amount of sugar because the cake still was sweet. But to be honest: Even though I liked the texture of the cake, I wasn't really satisfied with the taste: I don't like the strong taste of honey. The cake tasted too simple for me - not like a real sunday afternoon treat.
Have a look at the recipe here!
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It's funny - I didn't think I'd like the honey flavor much at all, but I found it unexpectedly addictive.

I have to agree with Jayne, I used a really strong honey and loved it!

Ja, mir w?re dem Rezept nach Honig auch zuviel. Lieber auch da nur 2 EL (was macht ?berhaupt Zucker in einem Honig-Kuchen?) und daf?r anstelle der Zitrone etwas Limettenschale und Ingwer in den Teig reiben?
Aber ich probiere den mal.

Ich h?tte noch ein paar getrocknete Birnen aus einer Trockenobstmischung. Meinst Du die w?rden auch dazu passen?

@Jayne: That's the great thing about baking: unexpected results! ;-)
@Mari: Good to hear that there are bakers out there that loved the honey.
@creezy: Ja, Ingwer w?re sicher prima gewesen. Und vielleicht kleinere Fruchtst?cke, die sich besser im Kuchen verteilen.
@Sabrina: Klar, Birne w?rde ebenfalls gehen. Die sollte aber sch?n weich sein, notfalls vorher mit kochendem Wasser ?bergie?en und einweichen lassen. Danach abtropfen und anschlie?end trockentupfen. Getrocknete Birnen w?rde ich dann in kleine St?cke schneiden.

H?rt sich ja wirklich extrem lecker an. Polenta mit etwas Fruchtigem fand ich schon immer gut. Siehe auch Barbarie-Ente mit Orangen-Grapefruit-Filets und Polenta.
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