🎃 Neuer Weltrekord im Kürbiswiegen - New World Record Pumpkin Weigh-Off
By Claudia on Oct 5, 2014 | In Fundstücke, News, In English | 3 feedbacks »
Update 20.10.2024: There has not been a record like 2014 in this form in recent years. This year, the winning pumpkin weighed in at 727.5 kg. The sensation was that for once it was not an Atlantic Giant, but a squash. The pumpkin was grown for by Florian Isler from Esslingen ZH.
Original article from 2014 when a swiss gardener set a new world record for a pumpkin.
Swiss gardener Beni Meier from Pfungen set a new record at the weigh-off in Jona, Switzerland, on sunday.
His giant pumpkin weighed 2096 lbs (953,5 kg). The weigh-off took place at Bächli-Hof, a farm located about 35 km from Zurich at Lake Zurich. Meier is the first european to win the competition. About a week ago Meier won the competition in Klaistow, Germany, which already won him the world record.
Beni Meier would have won the weigh-off already last year with a pumpkin of more than a ton. But his Atlantic Giant had a small hole which excluded him from the competition.
Meier took home 1,500 swiss francs and a bonus of 2,400 francs for his world record.
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Sehr interessant. Davon habe ich noch nicht gehört. Es sollte vielleicht wirklich besser einen Preis für den schönsten und leckersten Kürbis geben. :-)
Grüße Sara

I'm sorry, but I don't have Beni Meier's email address. But have a look here:http://www.culinarium.ch/G%C3%A4rtnerei-Meier-AG-Neftenbach/tabid/94/default.aspx?md=30756
It seems that there is an email address from his parent's garden company.
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