Kartoffelbrot - Tender Potatoe Bread
By Claudia on Nov 26, 2007 | In Brot & Brötchen, In English | 15 feedbacks »
I baked my first rustic potato bread two years ago. So I was looking forward to trying the tender potato bread of this month's Daring Bakers' Challenge.
The recipe Tanna from MyKitchenInHalfCups chose was quite tricky. The dough was very, very soft and sticky. Kneading by hand was the real challenge with this bread and the use of a dough scraper was the best method to keep the dough from sticking to the surface. I took about 6 ounces of potatoes and 6,5 cups all purpose flour was enough because I didn't want to take so much flour. A wet dough is always greedy for flour, so you have to take courage and restrict yourself to flour. From this sticky point of view it would have been easier to make a foccacia instead of shaping a loaf but I needed some bread to start the next week. I decided to bake the loaf in the pan. A good decision otherwise the loaf would have come out of the oven as a flat bread, ok, almost flat.
My only mistake with this bread: I thought it was time for a nap when the dough was finally fermenting in the pan. When I woke up the dough had risen so much that there was almost no oven-rise in the end. I normally appreciate oven spring very much. Nevertheless the bread had a fantastic thick crust and an airy, juicy crumb. Still warm it tasted heavenly with salted butter.
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Ich habe ja gleich die Wassermenge reduziert... und beim ersten Versuch kam klitsch heraus! Das Original-Rezept ist meiner Meinung nach nur f?r proteinreichere Mehle geeignet.

Ich musste die Wassermenge auch reduzieren und zwar ziemlich viel, weil ich es nicht in der Form backen wollte.

I love how tight the crumb is in the sandwich loaf. Nice job on this month's challenge!

Die Struktur Deines Brotes sieht genauso aus wie meine! Nur ist meins leider nicht ganz so schoen braun geworden...

You are so right, ovenspring is the best thing that can happen to a bread. Love the criss-cross pattern on top.

Excellent. The bread looks wonderful.
Iisha of http://thefablifeofi2daj.blogspot.com/

Firstly, I am truly impressed at your bi-lingual posts - that takes time and dedication :) Second, your bread looks awesome despite the lack of rise. Very nice job. It was delish, wasn't it? I loved this recipe.

Thank you for providing an English version because Ich kann nicht sprechen Deutsch, and I didn't want to miss out. I agree with the love of ovenspring--it can make or break a bread loaf!

Two yeahs from me: first the bilingual post and second the beautiful look of your bread even if the rise was not to your liking. You did great! Bravo and cheers to many more great challenges!

Your bread looks amazing! The crumb you achieved is great, very spongy and a nice texture. Great job!

Your potato bread turned out Gorgeous!!
That looks so tasty you could eat it with just about anything.

I wish I could read what you wrote ... your bread is gorgeous!
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